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Mimetic Theory and Intellectual Conversion
Communicating Jesus Christ, the Truth
Sts. John Fisher and Thomas More: Signs of Contradiction
The Importance of Sacred Arts
A Conversation about Homer and Virgil in Education Today

The Bible & the Great Founders

Education in the Bible and the Bible in Education
Augustine’s Influence on Education
St. Benedict’s Rule: Seeking God in Times of Strife
Franciscan Prophecy and the Spirit of Humanity in Jesus
St. Dominic, St. Thomas, and the Foundations of Catholic Liberal Education
Boethius on Wisdom, the Liberal Arts, and Persons
The Continuing Need for the Ratio Studiorum

Jesus & the Pagans

The Encounter with Jesus the Savior and Teacher
Homer, Virgil, and the Owl of Minerva
Plato, Model of the Intellectual Life
Aristotle on Education and the Political Order

The Church & Post-Enlightenment Educators

Newman the Educator
St. John Baptist delaSalle and Don Bosco: A Path Out of the Current Crisis
Intellectual and Moral Education in the Integrated Curriculum
Why Chesterton is Classical and Classical Education is Chestertonian

The Contemporary Renewal of Catholic Education

Charles De Koninck, Teacher of Teachers & Philosopher of the Common Good
Bernard Lonergan, Critical Realism & the General Empirical Method
John Senior, "Let them be born in wonder"
Christopher Dawson, Historian & Sociologist of Catholic Culture & Education
Maritain and Giussani in Dialogue with Progressive Education
Don Briel and the Works of Grace
Ron McArthur, the Berquists, and the Love of Wisdom